Saturday, January 28, 2017

Chad Film - Grigris (2013) UNWATCHED

This Chadian film stars a semi-disabled man which is not something you see very often in Hollywood films. He is trying to live his life as best he can, but encounters a financial crisis with his father's health that makes him resort to a dangerous series of increasingly risky efforts to raise money illegally,. The casting was excellent as all the character's made it feel like a real story inhabited by real people and not stereotypes. The visuals are excellent at bringing a Sub-Sahrian African slice of life story to the screen.

VAGUE SPOILER: This Chadian film doesn't have a typical Hollywood ending but it also doesn't have a typical dour foreign film ending either. And I appreciate that. We watch a lot of foreign films and too often they think they only ending is the worst possible outcome for everyone involved.

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